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Vice Dean for Development and Quality's Message

          The Vice Deanship for Development and Quality at the College of Applied Engineering strives to implement best practices in quality assurance across all academic and administrative operations, ensuring continuous improvement aligned with the college's mission and goals.

      The deanship is committed to achieving academic accreditation for the college’s programs, which will enhance the quality of education and learning, demonstrating our dedication to providing programs that meet labor market needs and keep pace with global advancements in applied engineering. Academic accreditation is not just a goal but an ongoing process aimed at improving educational outcomes, enhancing academic and administrative performance, and delivering an outstanding learning experience for our students.

      Additionally, the deanship works to equip laboratories with the latest technologies and tools, enabling students to gain practical, hands-on experience that strengthens their engineering skills and competencies. We also organize regular training workshops for faculty and administrative staff to enhance their skills and knowledge, supporting academic and administrative excellence.

Dr. Abdulaziz Abdullah Alkuhayli
Vice Dean for Development and Quality
College of Applied Engineering

Last updated on : February 18, 2025 2:41pm